Category: Campbell Clinic

How to Stay Active with a Knee Injury

Recovering from a knee injury can sometimes be a slow process. It can put a damper on your workout routine especially if your injury resulted from a routine workout or team sport. For those that were active prior to their knee injury, we know how difficult it can be to focus solely on recovery. While […]

What Getting Enough Sleep Does for Your Body

Sleep plays a vital role in your physical health. And getting enough sleep each night protects your body from both mental and physical health problems. We all know what it feels like to wake up energized after getting a full night of rest and equally understand what it feels like to function on a mere […]

Arthritis Awareness Month: Know the Signs

May is recognized each year as National Arthritis Awareness Month. Arthritis impacts more than 50 million Americans, making it the number one cause of disability in the country. Arthritis is often times chronic and can make even the most normal daily tasks painful. Thankfully, technology and scientific research are evolving more each day to conquer […]

Construction Update: May 6, 2019

WORK PERFORMED THIS WEEK: Continued detailing stair no. 2. Continued shipping, staging and installing screen wall steel. Continued installing electrical overhead and in wall rough-in on the first and third floors. Continued installing wiring up the VAV boxes. Continue underground feed for the generator power. Plumbers installed in wall and overhead rough-in on the first, […]

Endoscopic Spine Surgery Patient Review

Longtime Campbell Clinic patient, Phil had dealt with back pain for years, treating his herniated discs with injections. This pain affected his ability to sleep and exercise, and negatively impacted his quality of life. After undergoing endoscopic spine surgery Phil received immediate relief and was able to return to exercising, traveling and other activities pain […]

Occupational Therapy vs. Physical Therapy: What’s the Difference?

The fields of occupational therapy (OT) and physical therapy (PT) often get confused. Both specialties include hands-on treatment to help people recover and perform everyday tasks, but each field takes a unique approach in how it helps individuals get back to their normal routines. One key difference between OT and PT is that OT focuses […]

Endoscopic Spine Surgery Patient Reviews

Ashley After years of suffering from lower back and radiating leg pain, Ashley decided to seek help. Before choosing an orthopaedic surgeon, she did her research. Both online reviews and her personal physician recommended Dr. Raymond Gardocki at Campbell Clinic. Before her endoscopic spine surgery, Ashley’s pain level was at a 7, and she couldn’t […]

Celebrating 50 Years of Physical Therapy Assistants

When you come to Campbell Clinic for physical therapy, you are likely to interact with one of our amazing physical therapy assistants (PTAs). It is hard to imagine our clinic without these diligent workers, but a little more than 50 years ago, the occupation didn’t even exist! While the idea for physical therapy assistants sparked […]

Campbell Clinic Announces Partnership with Start 2 Finish Event Management

We’re proud to announce that Campbell Clinic is the Official Rehab and Sports Medicine Provider for Start 2 Finish Event Management and Start 2 Finish Performance Lab. At Campbell Clinic Orthopaedics, we are committed to serving the Mid-South running community. In addition to guiding runners through the injury recovery process, we also proactively help them improve […]

Improve Bone and Joint Health in the New Year

The new year is a time for change. It’s a time to break old habits and start building new ones. The beginning of a new year holds countless opportunities to become a better version of yourself, to take on new challenges and to try new things. As 2019 fast approaches, we hope you’ll consider spending […]

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