Category: Campbell Clinic

Staying Healthy and Safe this Holiday Season

The holidays are a time of frequent travel, winter sports and family activities, which also may increase injuries and hospital visits. From falls while hanging up your holiday lights, to straining yourself trying to decorate the tree, more than 68,000 visits to doctors’ offices, emergency rooms, and clinics for injuries related to holiday decorating took […]

St. Jude Memphis Marathon: Recovering After Your Race

Saturday was the St. Jude Memphis Marathon, and we were honored to have been a part of it. This is an event that we look forward to every year, and we were so proud to support dedicated runners of all ages, all with the same goal in mind: ending childhood cancer. We were on-site at […]

Youth Sports Injury Prevention Symposium at Rhodes College

Join us July 28 as Campbell Clinic physicians host a half-day symposium focusing on injury prevention, recognition and management of injuries when they happen, and guidelines for safe return-to-sports. Topics will include common sports injuries, concussion, heat illness, injury prevention, overuse and sport specialization. This event is free-of-charge and ideal for parents, athletic directors, coaches, […]

Outpatient Joint Replacement at Campbell Clinic

If you need total hip replacement, total knee replacement, partial knee replacement or shoulder  replacement, look no further than the outpatient surgery centers at Campbell Clinic. Conveniently located in Germantown and Midtown, our outpatient centers are comfortable, quiet and may provide superior outcomes to the traditional inpatient setting. Arrive in the morning and be home […]

Shoulder Impingement Syndrome: What Can Shoulder Doctors Do?

If you swim, lift weights, or play tennis, you might have felt ongoing pain in your shoulder that can make daily activities harder. Shoulder impingement syndrome is the result of repeated activities and can make small movements like reaching up behind the back or overhead painful. At Campbell Clinic, our orthopedic doctors can help you […]

Local docs ‘freezing’ out opioid addiction with new pain treatment

Opioid abuse is a national epidemic, but local doctors are fighting back. Memphis-based Campbell Clinic, which has several locations throughout the region, typically maintains about 120 clinical projects. And, because of the opioid epidemic, several of the group’s projects over the past five years have involved alternative methods of pain control. “Orthopedic surgeons account for […]

Rotator Cuff Injury: Everything You Need to Know

Rotator cuff injuries can sometimes develop after you’ve attempted to cushion a fall, most likely your shoulder, or after you’ve done some heavy lifting. These types of injuries are most commonly found in people over the age of 40, but can also occur in athletes, especially those like baseball pitchers, who regularly use repetitive arm […]

Calf Strains: Everything You Need to Know

Some of you may have experienced that slight tightness that rises in your calf as you head out on a run or hit the gym. Even more of you may recognize that the pain doesn’t get any better as you continue your workout; it only gets worse. That tightness you feel could be a calf […]

ACL Tears: How Knee Surgeons Diagnose and Treat ACL Injuries

Chances are, you’ve heard about ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) injuries, or you know someone who has torn theirs. This knee injury is one of the most serious injuries that can occur in contact sports. It can happen in football, basketball, or any activity with sudden movements, like stopping or pivoting. You or your child should […]

IT Band Injuries: How to Treat and Prevent

As a runner or an athlete, you’ve likely experienced pain and swelling on the outside of the knee, making it hard to bend at a 45-degree angle. Iliotibial (IT) band injuries are one of the most common injuries among runners, so whether you’re training for a marathon or occasionally hitting the treadmill, it’s a good […]

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