How to Prevent a Hernia

June 13, 2019

June is Hernia Awareness Month. The purpose of this month is to raise awareness of the warning signs and treatment options for hernias. A hernia develops when a section of your intestine, or other tissue in your abdomen, pushes through a layer of muscle that has become weakened. The pain associated with a hernia can sometimes be hard to pinpoint, and many people end up leaving the pain untreated. Unfortunately, ignoring the symptoms can sometimes lead to life-threatening complications. Paying attention to the signs and symptoms can help you catch a hernia before it needs surgical attention.

To help you stay safe and healthy, here are a few ways to prevent getting a hernia.

Maintain an ideal body weight.

Eating healthy foods and exercising regularly helps you stay in shape and lowers the risk of getting a hernia. When you’re overweight, your abdomen is constantly under pressure from the extra fat on your body. We understand it’s easier to talk about losing weight than to actually do it. Asking for help from a doctor can get you on the right track — allowing you to lose weight and prevent a hernia from forming.

Eat fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Incorporating high-fiber foods into your diet will help support regular bowel movements and prevent constipation. Constipation can put strain on your abdominal muscles and increase the risk that you may develop a hernia. Aside from eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains and seeds, taking a fiber supplement can help keep your body healthy and eliminate abdominal pressure. This can help prevent a hernia.

Exercise appropriately.

Avoid lifting anything that is beyond your body’s ability. Using correct form is important to ensure your safety during a workout. Lifting too much weight or moving weight incorrectly can put strain on your abdominal muscles that might ultimately lead to a hernia. If you’re not confident in your weight lifting abilities, stick to exercises that don’t involve heavy lifting, such as yoga, Pilates, running and cycling.

The signs and symptoms of a hernia can vary from person to person. Pay attention to any new pressure-type sensations in your abdominal region, lumps on your stomach or pain after exercising.

If you are experiencing unusual abdominal pain, it’s worth seeing a doctor. Talk to a physician about your pain and schedule an appointment at Campbell Clinic today.

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