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“Move Better, Heal Faster” with Dr. Joshua Brandon

As a primary care sports medicine physician, Dr. Joshua Brandon knows that exercise and lifelong health go hand in hand. In this episode, he joins the podcast to discuss some of the most common misconceptions about exercise and the way it impacts our health. He also explains how movement can help with conditions like osteoporosis and arthritis, and he shares his predictions for the future of sports medicine.

Episode Recap:

  • Today we’re talking with Dr. Joshua Brandon about moving better and staying healthy (1:22)
  • What do people misunderstand about the link between exercise and health? (5:05)
  • How do exercise and nutrition work together? (8:28)
  • What should people know about exercise and osteoporosis or arthritis? (12:06)
  • Why is bedside manner so important, and how does Campbell Clinic prioritize it? (16:58)
  • How is technology impacting exercise? (18:49)
  • What would you say to a loved one who wants to change their lifestyle? (20:08)
  • Where are orthopaedics and sports medicine headed? (21:06)
  • What does Campbell Clinic add to this community? (26:22)

Links and Resources:

Campbell Clinic

Campbell’s Operative Orthopaedics Textbook

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