Effective January 1, 2021 – Medicare classifies total hip surgeries as outpatient surgeries. This will apply to some Medicare beneficiaries, but certainly not all total hip patients. Only after a thorough preoperative screening, will your surgeon determine if an outpatient procedure is right for your particular case. Schedule a consultation with one of our Total Joint Replacement surgeons to find out more by calling 901-759-3111.
Outpatient total joint replacement has truly revolutionized the patient experience for patients going through surgeries that were previously only performed in the hospital setting. We began with outpatient total joint replacement in 2013 and have been instrumental in its development both locally and nationally. As of 2020 we have performed over 1500 outpatient total joints. To be an eligible patient for outpatient total joint surgery certain criteria must be met. These include both having an insurance plan that allows surgery to be done in the outpatient setting as well as patient factors including a qualifying health history, absence of extreme deformity, and having a body shape and weight that are within and an acceptable range to be safe for outpatient surgery.
We follow the principles of Preemptive Analgesia and Rapid Mobilization thus cutting off the pain before it happens with minimization of opioids and avoidance of complications associated with immobility. Through rigorous follow up and study, we have documented safety with outpatient total joint surgery equal or better than that achieved in the hospital in patients that meet outpatient surgery inclusion criteria. Some risks of total joint surgery are probably lower in the outpatient setting, particularly postoperative infection. Patient reported outcomes for outpatient total joint surgery have been consistently high. We strive to maintain a relaxed, safe and efficient atmosphere to take you through this significant milestone in your life.
Preoperatively, in addition to medical optimization with your primary care physician, our preoperative nurses will perform a health screening with consultation from an anesthesiologist if deemed appropriate. You will undergo a Prehab session in our physical therapy department where you will learn the post operative exercises before surgery and be educated further in the process. It is useful to bring your primary caregiver with you to this session for another set of ears and for education in their role in this episode of care.
The day of surgery includes multiple checks and balances to insure a smooth performance of your preoperative plan. Typically, patients undergoes spinal anesthesia with sedation for the surgery though some require general anesthesia. We have protocols in place to insure pain relief as well as to try to avoid nausea. A physical therapist will assist in your mobilization and performance of the exercises you have learned during your Prehab training. By the time you leave our outpatient surgery center you must be able to walk 200 feet, get in and out of a chair and climb any stairs necessary to be safe in your home. You will have a waterproof bandage in place allowing showering 1-2 days postoperatively. You will have clearly written out postoperative instructions and telephone numbers to allow you to communicate with our on-call physicians if needed.
We strive constantly to improve the process of outpatient joint surgery and hope that you will evaluate all portions of your experience with us. Our mission is to improve your life by taking away the pain that may be so constant and restrictive for you. We look forward to your new improved life without pain.
To schedule a visit with one of our joint replacement specialists, please call (901) 759-3111 today!
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