St. Jude Memphis Marathon: Recovering After Your Race

December 6, 2018

Saturday was the St. Jude Memphis Marathon, and we were honored to have been a part of it. This is an event that we look forward to every year, and we were so proud to support dedicated runners of all ages, all with the same goal in mind: ending childhood cancer.

We were on-site at the expo two days before the race, offering TheraGun spot massages, K-Taping, NormaTec Recovery services and stretching to runners as they geared up to race distances ranging from a 5K to 26.2 miles. Our physicians were also in attendance the day of the event for any runner in need.

With months of training required for distances of this kind, it’s important to take care of your body after your race, just as you’ve done leading up to it. Below are a few helpful tips on how to recover and prepare for your next event.

Sleep and Then Keep Moving 

One of the best things that you can do for yourself after running a race is getting a good night’s sleep. The very next day, try going for a short walk or a light jog. This will help get the blood flowing in your legs, which will make the healing process easier. Your run or walk will serve as a way to check in with your body and help you figure out some of the issues that may have impacted your race.


It’s important after a long race to take enough time to recover, so consider an alternative activity when resuming your workout routine. Swimming or aqua jogging can help route oxygen-rich blood to damaged muscle tissues. When blood circulates throughout the body, it will speed up the healing time of cellular damage that took place in your leg muscles during the race. The overall goal should be to give your body time to realign after the stress of a marathon, so take some time to cross-train, and take a few weeks off from running.

Take the Time to Get Stronger

Recovering from a race can be a time used to improve your general strength and mobility in your minor muscle groups. Try doing the lunge matrix, which is five lunges and 10 reps per lunge, prior to your workout. This will help get your body warmed up and moving. By investing in slow, controlled movements, you will build strength that can power you through your next race.

This article was adapted from Active. Read the full article here.

If you have any questions about recovering after a race, please contact Campbell Clinic to meet with a physician.

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