March 5, 2024
The spine is made up of a stack of rectangular-shaped building blocks called vertebrae. Normally, when you look at a person’s back, the spine appears straight. However, a spine affected by scoliosis appears curved – giving the appearance that the person is leaning to one side.
This sideways curvature of the spine often occurs during a child’s growth spurt just before puberty. Most cases of scoliosis are mild, but some spine deformities continue to get more severe as children grow.
In most cases, the cause of scoliosis is unknown. Though in some situations, scoliosis may develop as a result of arthritis, osteoporosis, or a hereditary condition.
If you or someone you know is living with this spine condition, here’s what you need to know about scoliosis treatment.
Early detection is important for successful scoliosis treatment. If you think you have scoliosis, it’s important to get in touch with your doctor right away. A physical evaluation and X-ray will properly diagnose atypical curve patterns on your spine.
Doctors may also test you for scoliosis through an MRI or CT scan. Doctors closely monitor children with mild scoliosis, usually using X-rays, to check if the curve is getting worse. In many cases, no treatment is necessary.
The goal of scoliosis treatment is to stop the curve and prevent deformity. Observation and repeated examinations may be necessary to determine if the spine is continuing to curve.
For severe scoliosis or a curve worse than 50 degrees, a spine surgeon needs to create the best treatment plan for the patient. This might include:
Wearing a brace won’t cure scoliosis or fix the curve. However, it often stops the curve from getting worse. The most common type of brace consists of plastic and designers create it to conform to the body.. This brace is almost invisible under clothes, as it fits under the arms and around the rib cage, lower back, and hips.
Most braces are worn day and night. A brace’s effectiveness increases with the number of hours a day it’s worn. Children who wear braces can usually participate in most activities and have few restrictions. If necessary, kids can take off the brace to participate in sports or other physical activities.
Severe scoliosis usually gets worse over time. A spine doctor may recommend surgery to lessen the curve of the spine and stop the condition from worsening.
The most common type of scoliosis surgery is called spinal fusion. In spinal fusion, surgeons connect two or more vertebrae, so they can’t move independently. Surgeons place pieces of bone or bone-like material between the vertebrae. Metal rods, hooks, screws, or wires typically hold that part of the spine straight and still while the old bone fuses with the new bone.
If the scoliosis is progressing rapidly at a young age, surgeons can install a rod that can adjust in length as the child grows. This growing rod is attached to the top and bottom sections of the spinal curvature and is usually lengthened every six months.
Our spine specialists at Campbell Clinic will carefully walk you through each step of your care. We treat a variety of spine conditions and will work to find the best scoliosis treatment plan for your lifestyle. Make an appointment with a doctor today.
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